Friday, February 13, 2009


Yes I know it has been a while since I posted something new. But believe me I am nowhere near finished with my rantings and ravings about music and life in general so stay tuned I will have something up soon I promise. Until then please visit my fellow ranter Christine Sixx at when she wrote her newest blog it absolutely hit the nail on the head about the music scene today.

But if reading is not your forte I have posted the Youtube link for the first official video from one of my favorite new bands known as Badmouth. I have talked to bassist Chris LeMon on several occasions and the dude absolutely rocks, first class all the way and I am glad to call him a friend. Enjoy


  1. Thanks for directing people my way! :)

  2. Well you are welcome although I am not sure how many people I am actually sending your way. Sometimes I think I am the only person that reads this blog. LOL
